What is Diglett?
Diglett is a mole Pokemon. It primarily spends its time underground but it pops its head above the surface occaisionally.

What's special about Diglett?
There is something very strage about Diglett (along with his evolved form, Dugtrio). No one knows what the rest of his body looks like. The only part people ever see if the small head poking out from the ground. It's too fast to be able to grab and pull out of the dirt. Right now there is only speculation as to how the rest of its body looks like.
Who is Dugtrio?
Dugtrio is the evolved form of Diglett.

Dugtrio looks pretty much just like three angry Digletts merged together with each one being larger than a regular Diglett.
Most Likely Situation
Since in the world of Pokemon Diglett is described as a mole-Pokemon he probably just looks like a mole with its head sticking out of the ground.

However it's more fun to use some imagination instead. Look in the Pictures section.