Who is Tropius?
Tropius a Pokemon.

Tell me more about Tropius
Tropius looks like a Brontosaurus covered in some big leaves with some weird yellow stuff hanging from its neck. It is not a very well-known Pokemon.
What's so special about Tropius?
As you can see from the picture on the right, Tropius looks like a fairly powerful creature. Most Pokemon that powerful don't start out that way. If you look at the following picture you can see a picture of Tropius and its pal, Meganium:

I would say that they are pretty similar since they are both Brontosaurus-like in nature. However, in case you didn't already know, Meganium has a couple stages of evolution as seen below:

It starts out as Chikorita, then turns into Bayleef, then finally into Meganium. Meganiums don't just appear out of nowhere, they have to grow into the form. Tropius for some reason seems to circumvent this problem. It doesn't have any previous stages of evolution, which is unusual for such powerful-looking creature.
A possible explaination for this could stem from the rarity of this creature. It has only been found in one small area of the Pokemon world so far so it's possible that undiscovered forms of Tropius could live in some secluded area not yet found by man.
So what now?
All we can do it speculate what earlier forms of Tropius could look like. Using my limited art skills I've drawn some possible pre-forms. The one on the left is the baby (or base) form while the one in the middle is the second evolution: